Name * Company Name Email * Phone Number * Who will be the main contact for your website project? Please provide their name, phone number, and email address. * Please describe your business in a few sentences. Include comments related to the culture and personality of your business. * What do you want people to know about you? If you're stuck, try this exercise: Choose three descriptive words or phrases that you want to come to mind when someone gets to know your business. * What sets you apart from your competitors?Why are you different from your competitors?If you bring a unique product or solution to the table, how is it different from similar companies? * Who is your customer? What are their pain points? What are their needs? * Name 3 things that are most important about the design of your new website. * Name 3 things that are least important in the design of your new website. * Let's talk colors!Do you have a color palette? Please upload it if you do!Additionally: are there any colors that MUST be included, or any that should be AVOIDED?Note: If you have a style guide and you simply want to use your brand colors, please note that here. (We recommend doing this!) * Please list other websites that you like.They do not need to be competitors, or even in your same industry. Why are they attractive to you? * Let's talk fonts!Do you have any preferences? Are there are fonts to avoid?Note: If you have a style guide and you simply want to use your brand font, please note that here. (We recommend doing this!) * Which menu provider are you using? * Dispense Dutchie Jane None yet, and we are open to recommendations Not Applicable OtherOther Do you need e-commerce functionality that is SEPARATE from a dispensary menu? * Yes No Unsure - please ask me about this Do you have high-quality photographs of your products? * Yes No, they are currently in production No, and I'd like an estimate from CannaContent to complete this service Not Applicable Do you have lifestyle shots of your products in use? * Yes No, they are currently in production No, and I'd like to discuss my options with CannaContent Not Applicable Do you have a payment processor? * Yes No No, and we need help finding one that is cannabis/CBD/hemp friendly My company is currently applying and/or is waiting for a response Not Applicable If you have a payment processor, which payment gateway do they require? Write "n/a" if not applicable. * Do you have a shipping solution in place? * Yes, USPS Yes, UPS Yes, FedEx My company is currently evaluating shipping solutions OtherOther Not Applicable If you have a shipping solution in place, are you using STANDARD rates, or did your company negotiate SPECIAL rates? * Regular rates Special rates N/A; my company is still evaluating shipping solutions Other, please explainOther, please explain Not Applicable Are you using inventory management tools? * Yes. We are using:Yes. We are using: No, I manage inventory myself or a member of my staff manages inventory "by hand" Not Applicable Are you using a 3PL? * Yes No Not Applicable Do you have a solution in place to track and charge sales tax? * Yes We are currently evaluating options We are incorporating sales tax into item price Other, please explain:Other, please explain: Not Applicable Do you want to accept INVOICE payments from customers on your website? * Yes, and my company uses this invoicing system:Yes, and my company uses this invoicing system: No Undecided Do you already have a domain and host setup for your new website? If so, do you have the FTP and host login information accessible? * YesNo, but we'll take care of that on our ownNo, we want CannaContent to help with setupHelp, I don't know what this means Which of these common website features do you want on your website? Include options not listed in "other." * Blog RSS feed Age gateway (21+ or 18+ to access) Media links Email address collection Contact forms Integration with sales software such as Hubspot or Salesforce Integration with email marketing collection such as Mailchimp Integration with customer loyalty programs OtherOther If you are plant-touching business, do you require seed to sale software integration? * Yes, and the software we use is:Yes, and the software we use is: No, my company is still researching options No integration needed N/A - the website is not for a plant-touching compnay If you're a dispensary, do you plan to use loyalty marketing programs? If so, which one? * Alpine IQAlpine IQ Springbig Sprout Other Not applicable - Not a dispensary Do you have branding assets available? If yes, please upload your style guide to the questionnaire. YesNoI have a logo but nothing else File Upload Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB Do you have search engine optimization (SEO) tools set up through Google Analytics and/or Google Search Console? If yes, please contact your CannaContent representative to grant administrative permissions. Yes No Do you need to set up tracking with other platforms, such as Facebook Pixel? Yes No Every website should have a Terms of Use and Privacy Policy to explain to visitors how their data is being tracked and used. Do you plan to provide these yourself, or would you like to explore a plugin? Supplying myself Plugin I'm not sure. I need more information. Verification Code If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ